Deployment file

The deployment file is named fumi.yml and should be located in the root directory of the project. This file follows standard YAML syntax, so it should not be too difficult to modify manually.

A basic deployment file

A basic fumi.yml file will have a structure similar to this one:

    source-type: local
    source-path: .

    user: zhuge
    deploy-path: /home/yangtze

Here, we specify that we want to upload our project from a local directory (which happens to be the directory that contains fumi.yml), that our remote server can be accessed from with user zhuge and that the deployment path.

Of course, you may have as many deployment configurations as you want:

    source-type: local
    source-path: .

    user: zhuge
    deploy-path: /home/yangtze

    source-type: git
    source-path: http://my-repo.git

    user: sima
    deploy-path: /home/app

Following sections detail mandatory and optional fields for configurations.

Mandatory fields

These fields must be present for fumi to work.


The source-type is used to find which basic actions must be taken in order to get the project into the remote server. Available types are:

  • local: compress local directory and upload it to server through SSH.
  • git: clone a git repository directly in the remote server.


The source-path is used to tell fumi where to get the project from. Depending on the source-type:

  • local: local directory in which the source can be found (usuarlly specifying the current directory with . is enough).
  • git: the git url needed for the git clone URL command to be executed in the server.


The remote host that fumi must connect to. Make sure SSH is enabled!


User that will be in charge of performing the deployments. You may want to create a special user for this, just in case.


The directory that will contain current deployment and past revisions as detailed in the deployment directory section.

Optional fields

These fields are optional, but may be helpful in most cases.


The default field will allow you to run fumi deploy without specifying a configuration name. If you choose to specify it manually, add the following to any configuration:

default: true

Note that fumi will obtain the list of configurations alphabetically, so take that into account if you write the field in several configurations.


By default, when using the local source type, the compressed source will be uploaded to /tmp. With this field you can specify the directory in which to upload the file instead.


Integer number that can be used to specify the maximum number of revisions to keep in the rev directory. After deploying, fumi will check this number and the number of revisions stored remotely and remove several of them until the maximum allowed is satisfied.


Pre-deployment commands. These commands are executed before uploading/cloning the source in the remote server. This field has a structure similar to:

    - local: 'rm db/development.sql'
    - local: 'rm db/schema.rb'
    - remote: 'service apache stop'

The order in this list will be preserved at the time of execution of the commands, so it is possible to alternate between local and remote commands easily.

Local commands are executed relative to the current directory while remote commands are executed relative to the user's directory.

Following YAML convention, the command should be escaped with single quotes in order to parse it as a raw string.


Post-deployment commands. These commands are executed after the source has been uploaded/cloned in the server and linked to the current directory. An usage example of this field would be when deploying a ruby on rails application:

    - remote: 'bundle install'
    - remote: 'rake db:migrate'
    - local: 'scp my_secret_config.rb myuser@myhost:/home/app/current'
    - remote: 'touch tmp/restart.txt'

The order in this list will be preserved at the time of execution of the commands, so it is possible to alternate between local and remote commands easily.

Local commands are executed relative to the current directory, while remote commands are executed relative to directory of current deployment (current)

Following YAML convention, the command should be escaped with single quotes in order to parse it as a raw string.


Use this field if you are performing a local deployment type and you want fumi to ignore specific files and/or directories when compressing the source. For instance, this is how this field would look like for a project such as fumi:

    - .git
    - .gitignore
    - docs
    - build
    - dist
    - fumi.yml

This way, directories .git, docs, build, dist and files .gitignore, fumi.yml will not be added to the compressed file.